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April 11, 2024 at 7:00PM


For over 20 years, Discovery has been a supportive space for growth where thousands have found answers within themselves and seized the opportunity to claim a new path forward.  D1-Base Camp - is the first of Discovery’s three core programs.


In Base Camp, participants  explore their past and discover how those experiences have impacted their lives and the lives of those around them. Armed with this understanding, participants gain personal power in their lives – power that propels them on their first steps forward. 

Are unhealthy thinking, toxic relationship patterns, or destructive habits getting in your way? During the three days of Base Camp, you’ll work with experienced professionals to uncover how these obstacles prevent you from embarking on your own great adventure. 

You’ll explore the barriers that prevent you from living the life you want.



Through a series of systematic exercises, you'll remove those barriers.



Finally, you’ll learn skills to take with you, so you can continue breaking through barriers as you move courageously forward on your new path.



Concrete Wall

Are you stuck in the grips of unhealthy thinking,
toxic relationship patterns, or destructive habits?

Base Camp is your key to unlocking a future unburdened by these barriers, empowering you to add LIFE to your YEARS!

Volcano Hiker

Discover the impact of past experiences on your life and challenge yourself

Happy Bride

Break free from confining thought patterns and claim a path toward greater peace

Balancing Rocks

Acknowledge and address these patterns holding you back

All of these for an affordable price

- a weekend of personal growth.

"I learned to W.I.N. (What's Important Now) and what's important is me!"

- Scott

"Bring it on world because my voice will be heard...I'm out of hiding!"

- Sophia

"My heart has started to unwind from the pain that hardened it." 

- Cory

"The first step into the rest of my life....a step out of fear and isolation."

- Celisa

"Discovery has made me and my heart feel free and brave to live for myself."

- Yarely

"I had the opportunity to hold an invisible mirror and take a nice, long look at myself."

- Dylan

"Discovery helped me to find peace. I found my smile again."

- Edward

"Discovery has given me the power to live the life I know and believe I deserve."

- Wes

Base Camp is not just a seminar; it's a transformative weekend empowering you to discover the answers within you and setting you up for success on your new path forward.

Start Your Journey with Discovery Programs

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Seeker of

Positive Change

  • Ideal for individuals, regardless of age or background, who are actively seeking positive transformation in their lives.

  • Geared towards those who yearn for more in life.

Anyone Open to Personal Growth

  • Welcoming individuals at any stage of life who are open to exploring personal growth opportunities.

  • Designed for those who want a supportive environment to build new skills, overcome obstacles, and embrace positive change.

Individual Ready to Confront Challenges

  • Tailored for those prepared to face life's challenges head-on and break free from the limitations holding them back.

  • Suited for individuals seeking a transformative journey  that goes beyond conventional self-help.

Apr 11, 2024, 7:00 PM
Get started

Meet your Base Camp Facilitators

"Thank you for helping me get my heart and soul back on track to live an abundant, joyful, peaceful and courageous life again."

- Rudy

Man Walking in Fields

Are you ready to liberate yourself from the past and discover a path to increased peace?


Join Base Camp now and embark on your journey to a better you!

  • What should I expect during the weekend?
    Discovery uses many different exercises to help you find your own answers, and to begin moving forward toward a life with more peace, passion, and purpose. This process requires hard work, but the payoff is worth the effort. Each person’s journey is unique but you can expect to work hard, reflect, laugh and celebrate. It is a power packed weekend so prepare for long hours. Program hours vary but may extend from 8 am to 10 pm—be sure to check the schedule under each of the programs.
  • Others have encouraged me to attend, but they won’t discuss details about the program. Why is this?
    Information about the program is provided in the schedule section for each of the trainings. Complete details are not published, so you can experience your own unique journey and discover your own truths and insights. To give away all the details ahead of time would be like telling you the end of a movie before you see it!
  • Should I attend with my spouse/partner, or another family member?
    Attending with a spouse/partner or family member is not prohibited. However, in our experience, it tends to damper open sharing by family members. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons before attending together. Our general recommendation is to attend on your own and encourage the other family member to attend a separate session.
  • I really want my child to go. Can they?
    As a policy, our age minimum is 18 years. Due to the nature of the process—adults sharing their real-life struggles—minors are generally not permitted. However, if you have a 17-year-old who would like to attend, please email with a brief request. We’ll contact you directly to discuss options. Please understand that Discovery reserves sole discretion on this decision.
  • I don’t like who I’ve become. Can Discovery help me find myself again?
    Yes, it can. Our exercises are designed to help you identify the areas in your life that need to be addressed or fine-tuned. You’ll experience love, peace and happiness in a whole new way. Discovery is a life-changing event.
  • Does discovery provide meals?
    Discovery doesn’t provide meals. Discovery does provide snacks, coffee, tea, and water during the weekend.
  • Is Discovery a religious organization?
    No. Our goal is simply to challenge you to investigate limiting thought patterns, to help you discover a better path forward. We welcome people of all faiths and walks of life. With that said, we do allow individuals to freely express how the exercises have related to their own personal God or higher power. At the same time, we encourage everyone to be respectful of the belief systems of others. Many people attend Discovery wanting to develop a better relationship with their God—and our exercises are designed to help people find what they desire.
  • How often do we have breaks?
    The time between breaks is typically about two hours.
  • Is your program considered counseling?
    Discovery is based on a process developed by compassionate psychologists like Dr. Viktor Frankl. We believe in helping you find your own answers—to “claim your path”—through interactive exercises in an emotionally safe and nurturing sense of environment. At Discovery, you will: 1. Take a hard look in your emotional mirror from every angle. 2. Discover what is and what’s not working in your life and relationships. 3. Discover what’s causing self-limiting beliefs and behavior. 5. Discover your own unlimited inner power. 6. Learn tools to help you set a course toward a successful life of your choosing.
  • Does Discovery provide child care?
    No we do not.
  • Is financial aid available?
    No, it isn’t. However, our philosophy is to make the program affordable to all. A bit of research will reveal that Discovery is much less expensive than similar programs; that’s because we’re volunteer-led and donor-supported, and our program fees do not fully fund our budget. To see our financials, please click here.
  • I’m flying in. What are my transportation options?
    The conference center does not offer transportation to or from the airport. Taxis, Super Shuttle and various ride-sharing services are available. If you’re having difficulties, contact us at and we’ll do what we can to help.
  • Will I be required to participate?
    Yes. In order for you to get the most out of the training, the program utilizes individual and group exercises that require participation.
  • What are Discovery’s political beliefs?
    We’re not a political organization, and we ask people to leave their politics at the door.
  • Can I bring my service dog?
    Yes. You will be responsible for controlling the dog and will be responsible for any damages caused by the dog. If we believe that the dog’s presence creates a safety issue, we will ask you to remove the dog from the conference center. Our conference center does not allow for emotional-support animals or pets. Please let us know in advance if you plan to bring your Service Dog by dropping us a note at

After exploring your past in Base Camp, you’re welcome to participate in D2: Ascent—a weekend program designed to help you further address difficulties in your daily life, allowing you to move forward on your path with clarity and resolve.

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